sábado, 30 de abril de 2016

Clifford Stoll

Clifford Stoll 



Clifford Paul "Cliff" Stoll (born June 4, 1950) is an American astronomer, author and teacher. He is best known for his investigation in 1986, while working as a systems administrator at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, that led to the capture of hacker Markus Hess, and for Stoll's subsequent book, The Cuckoo's Egg, in which he details the investigation.
Stoll has written a total of three books as well as technology articles in the non-specialist press (e.g., in Scientific American on the Curta mechanical calculator and the slide rule).


Clifford Stoll (o Cliff Stoll) es un físico estadounidense, astrónomo, experto en ordenadores, y escritor. Se licenció por la Universidad de Arizona en 1980. Durante los años 60 y 70, Stoll fue ingeniero jefe ayudante1 en la WBFO, una emisora pública de radio en Buffalo, New York.
Stoll ha escrito tres libros así como artículos sobre tecnología en la prensa no especializada (e.g., en Scientific American sobre la calculadora mecánica Curta).

    The KGB, The computer and me  


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